2020-02-29: Systems Architecting Principles & Practices Tutorial
Date: Saturday, February 29, 2020
Speaker: Dr. James N. Martin is an internationally known writer and lecturer on systems engineering, including one of the most widely read books on systems engineering “Systems Engineering Guidebook”, published by CRC Press.
Results: This past February 29th, the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter, in conjunction with the Johns Hopkins APL, hosted a day-long tutorial on Systems Architecting Principles and Practices by Dr. James Martin. This well-attended event had participants from both industry and academia conversing with Dr. Martin on topics covering the new ISO architecture processes standard 42020. Dr. Martin provided a three-module overview. The first covered six Architecture Processes for the new ISO standard. The second took a look at the Unified Architecture Framework (UAF), and the third showed applied use of the UAF to a "search & rescue" example.
Each student received a beautifully printed book of slides.
Dr. Martin in front of a full class, expounding on Systems Architecting Principles and Practices
After the class, our Programs Director thanks Dr. Martin with a copy of the Poster we used to advertise the Event.