2021-03-17: Digital Engineering Implementation Progress (Zimmerman)
Date: Wednesday, March 17, 2021
Speaker: Ms. Philomena Zimmerman; Director, Engineering Tools and Environments, OUSD(R&E)
Guest Speaker: Ms. Philomena Zimmerman; Director, Engineering Tools and Environments, OUSD(R&E)
Writeup by Mark Kaczmarek
How many times have you heard the phrase “I’m from the government, and I’m here to help”?
In this case, it’s true.
Ms. Zimmerman, being the Director, Engineering Tools and Environments, OUSD(R&E), presented a compelling argument that the digital engineering trend is gaining traction in the engineering realm. This actually has been going on for decades. Ever since someone with a spreadsheet dropped a table or a chart into a word processor, we’ve been hooked.
Now, Phil makes mention of the book by Geoffrey A. Moore, Crossing the Chasm – and how there are five types of people that span the innovation scale. [BTW, if you have read the book, please write up a few paragraphs about the book and we will post it in an upcoming newsletter – please do not be bashful] She says that she evaluates the stakeholders and keeps track of which types that they are, that is paramount. Determining how well the products that have been developed will be received, will determine the areas you need to focus on for successful understanding.
First, the talk covered what DE can do for them and the specific items being worked to answer the right questions. Additionally, ensuring the methodology of model development is critical for validation of the work you have generated. This validation will give you a high confidence that you have the correct answer. This generated much discussion.
Watch the video of Ms Zimmerman's Lecture
A few of our 65 attendees for our Monthly Zoom Meeting. Our largest meeting to date.
Tales from the SE Table Talk Rooms
Prior to the primary lecture by Ms. Zimmerman, one of the SE Table Talk breakout rooms focused on the topic of upcoming SE training and educational events being offered by the Chesapeake Chapter and other INCOSE chapters. We interactively navigated through numerous webpages, and had a lively discussion on upcoming events. One important point brought up by a participant, was the tremendous opportunity that joining an INCOSE working group has, on quickly expanding your knowledge on a particular SE topic area, through interacting with subject matter experts. https://www.incose.org/incose-member-resources/working-groups
Winner is Jim Coolahan. We await anxiously for his photo with his new INCOSE-CC Logoed Shirt.
We provided a Certification of Appreciation to our wonderful speaker.