7th Annual SEP Gala (2016)
The Engineers Club, Baltimore, Maryland
24 August 2016
Congratulations to our 2016 System Engineering Professional (SEP) Honorees
The INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter hosted its 7th Annual Systems Engineering Professionals Recognition at The Engineers Club Garrett Jacobs Mansion in Baltimore Maryland on August 24. Over 100 attendees participated in this event. The evening began with a welcome reception and cocktail hour. Tours of the Garrett Jacobs Mansion were provided by docents for the guests. Following a delicious dinner of steak and salmon, the guest speakers provided their presentations and then the new SEPs were all recognized for their accomplishments. All attendees having SEP certification received a commemorative embroidered patch showing their certification level as a gift from the Chesapeake Chapter.

More Photos and a Video are at bottom of post.
New this year, Chesapeake Chapter jointly presented recognition certificates to all newly certified Associate Systems Engineering Professionals (ASEPs) in attendance at this event. Newly certified CSEPs received medallions and certificates while the newly certified Expert SEPs received certificates, medallions and shirts embroidered with the ESEP logo. The Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) Chapter participated in the event, with Dr. Muhammad Islam presenting awards to the WMA participants. Guest speakers included Mr. Robert Gold, serves as Director of the Engineering Enterprise within the Office of the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Systems Engineering (DASD (SE)) under the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Research and Engineering (ASD(R&E)), Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition, Technology, and Logistics (OUSD (AT&L)) and Ms. Courtney Wright, CSEP-Acq. , is the Program Manager for the INCOSE Certification Program.
Those newly certified SEPs invited to the Gala to be recognized this year included individuals who earned their certification within specific timeframes. For the Chesapeake Chapter- August 2015-August 2016, and for others new to the recognition program: January 2016-August 2016.
Chesapeake Chapter SEP Recipients
Ms. Viviana Acosta, CSEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mr. Robert Brouwers, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Dr. David Flanigan, ASEP, JHU APL
Mr. Michael Folk, ASEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Benjamin Gianni, ASEP, Loyola University Maryland
Mr. Michael Heard, CSEP, Northrop Grumman
Mr. Daniel Leeds, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ms. Stephanie Miskiewicz, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corp.
Mr. Ralph “Len” Morgan, ESEP, Leidos
Mr. Anthony Oliver, CSEP
Mr. John Pacak, CSEP
Ms. Jessica Tyler, ASEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mr. Edward Wienckoski, ASEP, NASA
Mr. Erik Williams, ASEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
CAB-Limited SEP Recipients
Mr. Marcus Edwards, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Mike Hanlon, CSEP, BAE Systems
Mr. Matthew Levert, CSEP, FAA
Mr. Eric Schierling, CSEP, Vencore
Mr. John Sullivan, CSEP, FAA
Mr. Vincent Telfer, CSEP, FAA
Mr. David Weinel, CSEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Member-at-Large SEP Recipients
Mr. Michael Bauer, CSEP, US Navy (DoD)
Ms. Kimberly Gill, CSEP, Federal Aviation Administration
Mr. Jesse Ingram, CSEP, BAE Systems
Mr. Bala Udayakumar, CSEP, Enterprise Business Services
Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) Chapter SEP Recipients
Mr. Parfait Awouvi, ASEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Michael Bisconti, ESEP, Requirements & Architecture
Ms. Xenia Barnes, CSEP, Federal Aviation Administration
Mr. Brian Bixby, ASEP
Mr. Daniel Canales, ASEP, Pennsylvania State University
Mr. Paul Ellia, CSEP, US Air Force (DoD)
Mr. Christopher Esposito, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Dr. Paul Fomin, CSEP
Mr. Rajathi Ganesan, CSEP, NIST
Mr. Brian Jones, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Christopher Hansen, CSEP, BAE Systems
Mr. Rael Kopace, ASEP
Ms. Nicole Loomis, CSEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mr. Paul Mitchell, CSEP, NAVAIR
Mr. Kevin McElroy, CSEP, Leidos
Mr. Nick Norelli, CSEP, KEYW
Mr. Shawn Pennington, CSEP
Mr. John Poirier, CSEP, Booz Allen Hamilton Inc.
Mr. Orlando Ruiz, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Ms. Rachel Schei, CSEP, Northrop Grumman Corporation
Mr. Garrett Smiley, CSEP, ManTech International Corporation
Mr. Carl Stokes, CSEP, Federal Aviation Administration (U.S.)
Ms. Melissa Titus, CSEP
The evening was a huge success thanks to the participants and our sponsors:
We look forward to seeing everyone again at next year’s event! Please join me in congratulating our new INCOSE SEPs in the Baltimore – Washington Region!
Check out our Video and Pictures of the event
PHOTOS of the 2016 SEP Recognition Gala are available to purchase on the web site: