Relaunching INCOSE-CC History Blog - January 2025
Fellow INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Members!
We're excited to relaunch the INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter's history blog in 2025!
This collaboration is an opportunity to revisit the insightful and informative posts that have been shared over the years, and to gain knowledge from the experiences of our chapter members.
If you have an idea for a history blog post email communications or
The INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter was founded in 1994.
● Mission: To support INCOSE in the expansion of systems engineering understanding, practice, definition, and evolution for the benefit of1 its members and stakeholders.
● Activities: The chapter hosts regular meetings with presentations on various systems engineering topics, organizes workshops and training sessions, and collaborates with other professional organizations.
● Key Focus Areas:
○ Promoting Systems Thinking: Fostering a understanding of complex systems and their interactions.
○ Advancing Systems Engineering Practices: Sharing best practices and innovation within the field.
○ Developing Future Systems Engineers: Supporting the education and professional development of aspiring systems engineers.
● Major Presentations:
○ Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)
○ Digital Engineering
○ Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Systems Engineering
○ Systems Architecture
○ Systems Safety
○ Agile Systems Development
○ Applications of SE in specific domains (e.g., aerospace, defense, healthcare)
Past posts have explored subjects such as:
● Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) and SysML (from the MBSE SysML Blog)
● Troubleshooting in systems engineering
● The history of systems engineering
● The application of systems engineering principles to everyday objects
In addition to the blog posts mentioned above, there are thought-provoking articles by George Anderson and Dr. Howard Eisner on the "Perspectives on Systems Engineering" page
● MBSE SysML Blog: INcose Chesapeake Chapter - MBSE SysML Blog
● Perspectives on SE: INcose Chesapeake Chapter - Perspectives on Systems Engineering
Please consider adding your thoughts as blog posts that continue the conversation about SE!