INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Annual Holiday Party & Awards Ceremony
Join us to celebrate the holidays by recognizing those achieving SEP certification, award member achievements, and acknowledge all those that have helped us in advancing Systems Engineering over the past year.
The evening will include a reception, fine food, musical entertainment, awards, and, stimulating conversation with friends and colleagues.
Our guest speaker will be Dr. Ronald R. Luman, the chief of staff of the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. He’ll be giving a Retrospective on Systems Engineering.
Dr. Ronald R. Luman
Courtney Wright, CSEP
Offering an address from INCOSE International will be the Program Manager for INCOSE’s Certification Program, Ms. Courtney Wright .
Join celebrate with us at:
11 West Mount Vernon Place; Baltimore, MD 21201
All Systems Engineers, friends, family, co-workers and corporate/government employer partners are invited to attend this celebration.
5:00pm Reception and Cocktail
7:00 Dinner is served
7:10 Welcome Remarks by Mr. Jeff Berlet, ESEP, INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter President
7:55 Dave Alldredge introduces Guest Speaker - Courtney Wright - INCOSE Cert Prog Mgr.
8:10 Jeff Berlet introduce Guest Speaker - Dr. Ronald R. Luman -Retrospective on Systems Engineering
8:25 Awards and SEP Recognition
9:30 Closing Adjourn
Ticket Pricing
$75 for Members & Guests
Discount for Students
$550 for a table of 8
Silver Sponsor - $750 (includes 1/4 page Advertisement and 2 tickets)
Gold Sponsor - $1000 (includes 1/2 page Advertisement and 4 tickets)
Platinum Sponsor - $1500 (includes Full page Advertisement and Table (8 tickets))
Other Sponsorships and Program Advertisements are available in the ticket section at Eventbrite. Please contact for any details.