Presentation: In systems engineering, system resilience is an important area. When social systems are considered in the system of interest, systems engineering can also work with social resilience. Social resilience has a large theoretical foundation in the social sciences, and conceptually, has much to offer systems engineers as they evaluate system resilience. In this talk, Dr. Palmer will discuss what social resilience is and how it can be considered as part of systems engineering practice.
Dr. Erika Palmer
Speaker: Dr. Palmer is a Senior Lecturer in the Cornell Systems Engineering Program, Professor of Special Programs at Defense Acquisition University, the founding chair of the INCOSE Social Systems Working Group and the Americas Lead for Empowering Women Leaders in Systems Engineering (EWLSE). Her research and teaching focuses on the modeling and simulation of social/sociotechnical systems, often connected to sustainability.
Door Prize:
All registrants will be provided a number - which will be entered into a random number generator in order to select the winner.
Range: Why Generalists Triumph in a Specialized World
By Daniel Epstein
Cost: Free.
6:00 – 6:45 pm SE Table talk
6:45 – 7:00 pm Chapter Business Meeting
7:00 – 8:00 pm LECTURE