2020-05-20: There is no such thing as NON-Model-Based Systems Engineering!
Date: Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Speaker: Zane Scott is the VP for Professional Services at Vitech Corporation.
Zane spoke about how models are the basis of all communication and thinking. As we form ideas we think in models. As we communicate our ideas to others and absorb their thoughts, the communication is done in models. Successful communication rides on making those models match so that the ideas are accurately passed among us. The issue is not whether we use models but where those are kept. The presentation addressed how we use models, where we keep and maintain them in order to promote efficient communication and how we can most efficiently and effectively communicate them.
In the video Zane mentions RObert Edson's "Systems Thinking. Applied. A Primer." It can be downloaded from http://www.anser.org/docs/systems_thinking_applied.pdf
Watch the video of Zane Scott’s Lecture
The “Door” Prize -- Albert Rutherford’s "Learn to Think in Systems" -- was won by Collin Krepps.