End-of-Year Wrap-Up
Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP - Chapter President--2022
This is a busy month for the chapter and lots of announcements to make.
During the last few years of the pandemic, the chapter paused the regular scholarship that we had supported for college students studying STEM. We are pleased to announce that we had reinstated the scholarship this year and successfully held a competition. Jasmin Azan is the winner of a $2,500 scholarship awarded to Chesapeake Chapter members and their families. We will be presenting the scholarship check to Jasmin at our winter gala.
Our winter gala is our last chapter event of the year, it will be held at the Engineers Club at the Garrett/Jacobs Mansion located in Baltimore, MD, on Friday, December 16, from 5:30-9:30 pm. Please see the attached link to register for the event, this will include a reception, fine food, musical entertainment, awards, and a chance to interact with friends and colleagues. The event will also be jointly hosted with the INCOSE Washington Metropolitan Area (WMA) chapter.
Our elections for the chapter Board of Directors (BoD) for the next year have concluded, and we are proud to announce the winners:
Sean McGervey, President-Elect
Michael Ali, Programs Director
Dan O’Neil, Communications Director
Hanish Mehta, Treasurer
They will be officially sworn into the BoD at the January chapter meeting. Congratulations to all!
Many thanks to the outgoing BoD members that did an outstanding job during their tenure, and we appreciate their service and contributions to the chapter:
Jeffrey Berlet, Past-President
John Boccio, Treasurer
Mike Anderson, Communications Director
Clinton Hilliard, acting Programs Director
Watch for next year’s INCOSE events – the annual INCOSE International Workshop will be held in Torrance, California on January 28-21, 2023, and the INCOSE International Symposium will be held in Honolulu, Hawaii on July 15-20, 2023. Please see the following link for more information. Both events will be hybrid, so you can participate both as a live or a remote participant.
This marks the last article that I write as the current president, and it’s been an honor to serve the chapter this year. On behalf of the entire BoD, we wish you and your families a safe and happy holiday!