INCOSE Chesapeake Chapter Survey - 2021
Dr. David Flanigan, CSEP - President-Elect-2021
In early June, the chapter sent a survey to the chapter members in order to plan the rest of the 2021 year events as well as inform 2022 events. These questions looked to gauge the interests of the membership in terms of training, job opportunities, social events, chapter outreach, member involvement, as well as topics for future chapter meetings. Here is a quick summary:
As a result of the survey, SEP training opportunities were presented in October, in order to prepare candidates for the SEP exam.
The chapter is planning for the annual holiday gala, based on the responses for a live event.
Interest was shown by some members to participate on some of the committees that serve the chapter in terms of membership, communications, or programs planning.
Lots of potential topics were collected to inform the future chapter meetings. Of note was the interest in MBSE, where a tutorial is being planned in the fall.
We appreciate the participation by the membership, and look to continue to find ways to address the needs of the chapter.